A partial denture can be used (false tooth/teeth) or alternatively, you can choose to have a bridge fitted. Usually this will sit between the abutment teeth either side after they have been prepared and reduced in size.

What is a Bridge?

Our dental bridge treatments in Victoria are an option for literally bridging the gap created by one or more missing teeth in the mouth.
A bridge is made up of either:

  • A dental crown with the missing false tooth attached to it, connecting possibly on one or both sides neighbouring the gap
  • A wing made from metal or tooth coloured material with the false tooth attached

Process for Fitting

The process for fitting a bridge would be assessed by the dentist to deem which type of bridge is most suitable for the gap. They would then advise on the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

The preparation phase would then involve the dentist preparing the teeth, either one or both sides for a conventional fixed bridge and taking the moulds for the dental lab technician to construct the bridge. A temporary covering would be placed in the interim period whilst the bridge is being made at the dental lab.

Once the dentist receives the dental bridge from the lab, usually 10 working days later, the patient will have the restoration fitted in the practice, subject to the fit and aesthetics being satisfactory to both the dentist and patient. Our dental bridge work treatments in Victoria are effective solutions for missing teeth.

Why Replace Missing Teeth?

When a gap occurs, the teeth either side of the gap can lean inwards and start growing at an angle. It can also put extra pressure on the remaining teeth and affect your bite and when the upper and lower jaws do not meet properly it potentially creates a strain and damages the jaw joint (TMJ). Gaps can also cause possible infections when food and debris get stuck in between.

Difference Between Everstick & Regular Bridge Work?

Everstick Bridgework is an ideal solution for fabricating the replacement of a missing tooth in one visit in the dental chair. It is usually carried out for the replacement of missing anterior tooth using a direct fibre reinforcement with which the false tooth is attached to neighbouring teeth by chemical bonding. It can be described as a 100% reversible procedure as it generally does not require the dentist to prepare the neighbouring teeth.

In contrast Conventional Bridgework involves multiple appointments whereby the neighbouring teeth are prepared by the dentist from which the false tooth is connected by crown(s) to fill the gap. As the dentist has to prepare the neighbouring teeth for this type of bridge it is not a reversible process.

bridge without drilling

For more information

Visit www.sticktech.com