Dental Health – Does it help with Psoriasis?

We know from research and recent studies that having good dental health can help towards improving conditions such as cardiovascular disease and of course, good oral health will contribute to a happier mouth. In fact, there is more awareness now than ever about how keeping your dental health in check can prevent various conditions later on. Gum disease in particular can result in heart disease, diabetes and stroke, with inflammation of the gum causing damaged blood vessels. This can have a knock-on effect resulting in conditions such as dementia and respiratory infections, particularly when poor oral health impacts the bloodstream. It can be dangerous and bring about health problems you…

Foods That Are Healthy (But Bad For Your Teeth)

We are all told to eat more healthily, with more fruit and vegetables in our diet, as well as fibre, “good fats” and carbs for energy, and to cut back on sugary treats and fatty foods. However, it’s not as straightforward as healthy food equals good food and certainly, healthy food does not mean it’s good for your teeth and in fact some healthier foods can be some of the worst for your dental health.   Food and Drink Your Teeth Should Avoid   Citrus Fruits Fruit such as Oranges and Apples are great from a health perspective but they are certainly a problem for teeth. The citrus effect can…

Root Canal: Fear Of The Unknown

There has always been a fear of the dentist throughout history and within the public consciousness and of course even for those who are not particularly bothered by the dentists, it’s just not a pleasant thought to have another person with their hands moving around in your mouth. However, it is necessary and techniques and procedures have improved so much over the last 20 years that it can be a much more comfortable experience. Certain treatments are easy and some are trickier but overall with the right approach and the right equipment, it doesn’t have to be a chore to visit the dentist.  Unfortunately, there are some circumstances which require…

Stress: Is it Creating a a Sugar Binge Epidemic?

There are many physical ailments that can be brought on by stress; headaches, tiredness, fatigue, muscle pain etc. The fact that so many symptoms can be attributed to stress makes it one of the biggest potential “killers” in modern society in that it could even bring on a heart attack, particularly in older more susceptible patients. We all know that diet is a key factor with how someone will react to serious medical treatments and it looks like yet again, diet is front and center when it comes to not only dental health but also mental as well as physical well-being.   Stress = Sugar A recent study has shown…

Top 5 Dental Hygiene Tips

We all know that it’s important to brush regularly and to visit the dentist every 6-12 months in order to maintain good oral health. However, it’s not just about brushing and dental visits, it’s crucial to keep good oral hygiene and in fact you can have good teeth but poor oral health which in turn can affect your teeth. So how do we keep our oral health in check, as well as our teeth?   Flossing/Interdental Brushing Flossing is sometimes avoided by patients because it can be laborious and slow but also painful for those with sore gums. However, interdental brushes are a good alternative with a slightly softer approach.…