Extractions – More Popular Than We’d Like
The last thing any patient or indeed any dentist wants is to have to remove teeth. Wherever possible teeth should be saved, particularly in young adults, as the loss of multiple teeth over time can cause other issues further down the line including, sagging mouth and poor gum health. Obviously the effect it can have on eating and talking can be quite prominent but it can also impact the smile and shape of the mouth, which can directly affect confidence. In most cases where the tooth can be saved, it is and extraction should only be considered if there is a long term impact on dental health or if the…
A Worrying Trend
There has been a significant finding in an FDS study (Faculty of Dental Surgery) that shows 57.7% of children aged between one and four did not see a dentist last year (sourced:https://www.dentistry.co.uk/2019/02/26/almost-six-10-children-didnt-see-nhs-dentist-last-year/). This is a worrying figure and one that only seems to have increased. A previous study by the FDS shows that the 12 months leading to end of June 2018, there was data which showed 41.4% of children didn’t see an NHS dentist. Obviously this figure has gone up and this data accounts for children up to the age of 17 but it’s certainly a concern as we become a nation of patients reacting instead of preventing. The…
Vaping – A Worrying Trend?
Although sugary foods and drinks are still one of the primary causes of tooth decay, there is a new danger which is threatening the dental health of many patients; Vaping. In the UK alone, latest research from Mintel (sourced from https://www.dentistry.co.uk/2019/02/06/number-brits-vaping-keeps-growing/) shows that 18-24 year olds are most likely to start using Vape cigarettes and that middle aged people between 45-54 years old were vaping in 2018. This is a trend set to continue no doubt, with vaping becoming an acceptable alternative which is seen by many as a “safe†option to tobacco cigarettes. However, with testing still underway and no conclusive evidence to show that vaping doesn’t harm…
The Oral Health Helpline – Help Where Help is Needed
We’ve discussed the education of patients before and the importance of people understanding their teeth and how to brush properly and maintain them. Preventing cavities is important and there are so many elements to keeping your teeth clean and many people have particular areas they need to focus on, following a dental visit. The biggest problem still for many is knowledge and although much information can be found online, there is no guarantee that it is accurate. That’s why it’s great news to hear that so many patients are using the dedicated advice line from the Oral Health Foundation for support and information. Over 400,000 Calls Staffed by qualified…
Are We All Brushing Our Teeth Wrong?
Since we were children we’ve understood how to brush our teeth. However, are we actually brushing them properly or have we developed bad habits which are subsequently affecting our dental health? Everyone remembers being taught to use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste (some use more than that) and brushing up and down, across and thoroughly, including cleaning the gums and tongue for a a recommended 2 minutes. But how many of us really brush for at least 2 minutes? It seems a long time and we probably don’t brush for as long as we should. But this isn’t the only thing we may not be doing right. Brushing Angle The…